Sample clip
Sample my new photo book An Acid River Runs Through It in The Times, South Africa:
I hear those who have bought the book are happily surprised about how quickly it arrived. Some reported four days from purchase to delivery – in another country – inclusive of printing. (It’s a print-on-demand solution).
A page-turner video (literally)
Eva-Lotta Jansson talks about her new photo book an An Acid River Runs Through It.
Copyright © Eva-Lotta Jansson 2015. No part of this this book, or this video, may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means, without written permission from the author/photographer Eva-Lotta Jansson.
An Acid River Runs Through It is a photo-documentary essay about acid mine drainage — water pollution caused by historic and some current mining activities — and how it affects water resources and communities in South Africa.
The book is out
An Acid River Runs Through it is now a book. Read more here.
Get your copy here!
An Acid River Runs Through It is a factual photo book about mine water pollution in South Africa. It addresses questions like: What is acid mine drainage? How did it start? Who is affected? It’s hoped that the pictures, interviews and text could help bring about awareness and discussion about the urgency of the situation.
Outdoor exhibition in Davidonsville
Some pictures from An acid river runs through it, my outdoor exhibition in Davidsonville, Johannesburg, this weekend. Davidsonville is one of the affected communities documented in the photo essay.
Images are copyright Eva-Lotta Jansson and may not be used without permission from the photographer.
This work was supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation, for which I’m very grateful.
An acid river runs through it

Davidsonville invitation
Copyright Eva-Lotta Jansson
Just launched an Acid river runs through it, an outdoor photography exhibition about acid mine drainage – water pollution caused by historic- and some current mining activities – and how it affects water sources and communities in South Africa. Staged a 67.5 meter-long exhibition in Davidsonsville, Johannesburg, one of the affected communities featured in the story, this weekend.
Related links:
Some pictures from the event this weekend.
Invitation to event with photo from exhibition:
Images on my photographer Facebook page from the event:
Images on my twitter feed from the event:
Working on a project …
It’s funny how the blog went quiet, just as I, in earnest, started shooting the project I’d been researching for some months. I’m still at it. Between assignments, I’m driving around the South African countryside. Mostly for very long day trips outside Johannesburg, but now gearing up for a mini-expedition, driving north. Me, myself, and I, and my camera (that’s a crowd in my little car!) and whoever I meet along the way. Yes I’m being cryptic. The essay should be finished for exhibition around May 2015…
Meet the spud ladies
Check the fab spud ladies I met in Ethiopia. These women will probably bring a smile to your face. They do to mine.
A fly on the wall …
Or a mosquito one would like to swat away perhaps? – me that is, photographer and videographer for this interview with Malawian President Joyce Banda at the Presidential Palace in Lilongwe. It’s very interesting to sit face to face with those in the hot seat (re Cashgate and related) to get your own, direct impression.
Telegraph Correspondent Aislinn Laing is interviewing the President. Here are the related stories…
On patrol with armed rangers
Armed rangers with sniffer dogs on patrol against ivory poachers in Kenya. Shot this video while in Kenya with The Sunday Telegraph on the story Futile slaughter of Kenyan elephants and how Britain is now fighting back.
The tragedy behind the illegal ivory trade
Shot this video while in Kenya with The Sunday Telegraph on a picture story about the slaughter of Kenyan elephants and how locals and now Britain fights back. Aislinn Laing’s story Futile slaughter of Kenyan elephants and how Britain is now fighting back